Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST)
My involvement with TSST is as:
a member of the National Stakeholder Group on TSST for DfE/NCTL
Chair of the Expert Review Panel for the JMC - enabled, community approval process for TSST mathematics programmes
The purpose of teacher subject specialism training is to improve the subject knowledge of non-specialist teachers and returning teachers, and increase the number of hours taught.
Teacher subject specialism training in mathematics and physics was launched in 2015 to 2016 and aims to build the capacity of non-specialists who may be able to move into a mathematics or physics role. In addition, it aims to upskill non-specialists who are currently teaching mathematics or physics and those looking to return to the profession. In 2017 to 2018, teacher subject specialism training was introduced for Core Maths for teachers in secondary schools and sixth-form colleges.
For secondary mathematics, core maths and physics, eligible participants include:
- non-specialist teachers who could potentially teach secondary mathematics, Core Maths in addition to, or as their main subject
- non-specialist teachers who are currently teaching mathematics, Core Maths or physics (either full-time or in addition to the specialist subject)
- teachers who are looking to return to the profession